- Kalam National School - Gateway to the Future
- CEO’s Message
Mr. Mohammed Akber
C.E.O & Convener
Education is the foundation for all we do in life, it shapes who we are and what we aspire to be. The first Surah revealed to Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] was Surah A1-Alaq also known as Surat Iqra the most significant surah mentioning the importance of education, curiosity and learning . Such that the prime concern from Allah itself was to read.
Learning is the best path towards a successful and happy life, as it is conducive to a better understanding of life, and all acquired knowledge can be used towards fulfilling one’s ambition. An educated person will perceive a problem in the right way and offer an adequate solution, using the knowledge they have gained.
Self-confidence stems from knowledge allows people to express their opinions, as it enables them to explain them, and if needed, empowers them to defend them. Even if the environment should prove unreceptive, a self-confident person will not let a momentary judgment from the environment affect their resolution, because such a person knows how to show everyone who was right all along. Achieving this level requires a lot of knowledge, communication skills and experience in dealing with other people.
Education makes us view obstacles as challenges to overcome with no fear; facing new things. It is the main factor behind successful people and the merit of developed countries. Therefore, education is deemed a real success behind any future success with creativity and innovation.
Creativity fuels innovation, and it’s what we all should strive to instill in the next generation. Creativity is the ability to think and conceive something original and unusual, new and novel. Innovation is the implementation of these new ideas that provide better solutions for our new requirements. Change is the law of life. Those who look only to the past or at the present are certain to miss the future. That learning and innovation go hand in hand and the only way to survive is to continuously transform ourselves. In India today several socially conscious youth are contributing their mite to society through enterprises that are taking up the onerous responsibility of dealing with the problems of the environment, preventing global warming, harnessing solar energy, building efficient and low cost machines, managing wastes, finding substitutes for plastics, in order to make life better for each one of us. We need to encourage those who think differently and initiate things that will lead to progress.
“The best gift from a father is education and upbringing” – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Education lays the basic foundation to build a bright future. School education helps every student discover their unique interest and passion. Kalam National School motivates children to challenge their comfort zones and explore greater horizons.lts an ideal school that provides students with Good infrastructure, A well qualified staff, Rigorous and integrated curriculum, Vibrant co-curricular activities, Amiable parent -teacher associations, Holistic approach, reliable welfare, progressive Hi-tech guidance & hygienic ambience.